
Haunted Bedtime Stories Is now out to buy! Labor Day Sale!

So I didn't make 100 sales for my Mum by tea on Friday. I tried real too.  So no T-Bone steak for me. I never had a whole one of any steak in my life. I will get a bite of burger tonight. Thank you to all who helped me! 

Well, lets keep going and try to sell 100 ASAP!!!

So please help me sell her book. It's not for little kids it is for grown ups. If I make her famous maybe I will get a T-Bone and the diamond collar of my dreams!

The Book is on sale for 99¢ until Monday night so go get your copy!

                                  US  amzn.to/oplT5A

                                  UK amzn.to/qtVcpS

                                  DE amzn.to/pQSCOk


1 comment:

  1. oh noes! We botted teh books an can't wait to read teh storeez an I thinks you shud haz stake!
