
BigBro is a helper!

TaDa as you can see my BigBro fixed the mistakes I made! So lets give him a big Thank You!
I have a busy day taking care of Mummy. I did read one of her short stories very cool! No spoilers!
I had to supervise BigBro with the grocery's, I licked the meat packages make sure those were OK to Nom! BOL! BOL!
So what's up with you? Do you have any holiday pictures? How about cool blogs for me?
See you Later Kisses and TaTa for now!!!


  1. PepiSmartDog : Your new Blog is wonderful Gwenie !! And I love your piccie too ! THis Blog is so YOU !! Pink is definitely your color ! (((HUGS))) XXX

  2. Hai Gwenie! How iz you doing wiv all da monsoon stormz? It makes me a lil nervuss but I likes it! Living in teh desert iz nice I thinks. Iz glad you hadded a good howliday *purrr*

  3. You look nice in pink mai pal!
    Your pal, Cosmo Havanese

  4. I love finding new anipals with bloggies! That is so cool that your mom writes books. Mom likes to watch ghost shows, but then she has to sleep with TV on.
