
Book signing!

HI everypaw!

Well Books signing is Oct. 8,   6 to 8 pm 
At:   The Source
         3382 E, Speedway
         Tucson, Az

If you do not have a book you can get one there & she will sign it! Maybe a surprise too! Please come out if you can! You get to meet Mum.

TaDa Me!


Weekend trip!

Hi everyone! I had a long weekend on road trip! I went to Phoenix! A book shop will be carrying my Mums book! So cool!
Well, back here in Tucson you must come to her Books signing! Yes, I said book signing! You can get the book then & a bookmark too! So come & see her on Oct. 8th between 6-8 pm. It will be at The Source on Speedway. Hope you come, if you ask her maybe I can come too! She will sign your book & chat to you! I will be sure she takes pictures!
Here are a few pictures from the weekend!

So what are you doing?



Its out, go get it! Haunted bedtime Stories in paperback! Its perfect you will love it!


Ok, she read it to me it is so Faboo! 

I love the cover!


Soon Halloween!

Hi everyone! OK so soon it will be Halloween! Now I need to think about a costume! I say anything but no hats for me! I hate hats. 
Now I also need a costume for my parents! She likes hats. Any suggestions are welcome!
So in just 2 weeks the Halloween Village goes up. I am being a good girl cuz we all know the  great pumpkin is coming and I want prezzies! As you know only good girls and boys get gifts!
So we will know soon when the paperback book is out! I will have the links asap for you. Its very exciting!

Last year! Whats new this year!



Hi all! I am Faboo! She got the proof copy of her paperback book! Well, I am helping her with proof reading!
So the links are on the side bar to get your copy of her Ebook. I will let you know the minute I do when we can all get a paperback copy! So exciting! 
So if you are reading it tell me what you thinks!

Me & book!


Haunted Bedtime Stories Is now out to buy! Labor Day Sale!

So I didn't make 100 sales for my Mum by tea on Friday. I tried real too.  So no T-Bone steak for me. I never had a whole one of any steak in my life. I will get a bite of burger tonight. Thank you to all who helped me! 

Well, lets keep going and try to sell 100 ASAP!!!

So please help me sell her book. It's not for little kids it is for grown ups. If I make her famous maybe I will get a T-Bone and the diamond collar of my dreams!

The Book is on sale for 99¢ until Monday night so go get your copy!

                                  US  amzn.to/oplT5A

                                  UK amzn.to/qtVcpS

                                  DE amzn.to/pQSCOk